Thursday, December 5, 2013

Lasgush Poradeci

Llazar Sotir Gusho, (27 December 1899 in Pogradec – 12 November 1987 in Tirana), is a 20th-century Albanian poet and writer known by the pseudonymLasgush Poradeci.

After Poradeci finished elementary school at Pogradec in 1908, he studied at a language school in MonastirOttoman Empire. At the beginning of WWI he returned to Pogradec, after which his father sent him to study at the Lycée Léonin in Athens. At the end of 1921 he enrolled at the Şcoala Naţională de Arte FrumoaseBucharest, where he took paid work to subsidize his studies, and in 1922 joined Bucharest's association for the Albanian diaspora, the Albanian colony; later being elected its secretary. In the summer of 1924 the Romanian government awarded him a scholarship to attend the Faculty of Romano-German Philology of the University of Graz in Austria; he finished a doctorate there in 1933. He returned to Albania the following year to teach art at a secondary school in Tirana, this until 1944 when he became unemployed. In 1947 he briefly taught at Tirana's Institute of Science, then translated for the Naim Frashëri state-owned publishing house, retiring in 1974. Poradeci died in poverty in 1987.

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